1 Dec
1 Dec
Correct. SUSE 9.0 only supports READ to NTFS partitions. Write support isn't supported - yet. SUSE is using the latest NTFS driver. for more info check out http://linux-ntfs.sourceforge.net/ for FAQs, etc.
SuSE 9.0 uses v2.4.20 of the linux kernel with 2.6 optimizations. Read/write NTFS support is built into the 2.6 kernel. Check here under "Filesystems" http://www.kniggit.net/wwol26.html . And I was almost positive that NTFS read/write support was one of the 2.6 optimizations that SuSE added to the kernel. Everywhere I have been reading says that SuSE 9.0 has full NTFS support and I believe it even stated so in the Changelog that was displayed after the installation was complete. But I don't know why it isn't working.