Yeah - you would have thought that might shed some light on it, but it doesn't. Thus far the only thing I have found on the web relating to this problem, made the helpful suggestion of downloading the DVD iso and reinstalling - which is not an option. I notice from a few other threads that other people are having problems getting the list of servers to appear in YOU - does this relate to my problem - are all of SuSE/Novell's servers screwed. To summarise, I can connect to the server - but whenever I try to download patches, YOU downloads them and as soon as it finishes complains that the RPM signature is invalid! There has to be a solution other than reinstalling!!!!!!!!!!! Come on, somebody must have an idea of how to fix this???? Cheers, Jon. Patrick Shanahan wrote:
* Jonathan Brooks <> [02-20-05 13:33]:
Yep - tried every server, http/ftp, you name it. Someone on suggested checking that the system clock is correct - it wasn't, but setting it correctly made no difference either.
I guess it must be something to do with rpm - but I have tried a rpm --rebuilddb, which didn't help either.
I am completely stumped, and really do not want to re-install since unless I understand what's happening I won't be able to fix it (when it happens again).
I guess the last place to look may provide you an answer. Try from the command line: man rpm search for 'sig'
-- Jonathan Brooks (Ph.D.) Research Fellow PaIN Group, Department of Human Anatomy & Genetics University of Oxford, South Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3QX tel: +44(0)1865-282654 fax: +44(0)1865-282656