* Thinker (thinker@thoughtprogress.com) [030913 07:05]:
Thanks Ben. Now I have two questions...
1. Now, after I upgrade to k_deflt 2.4.20-100 is there something special I need to do? Like run SuSEconfig or something else, or is synaptic going to take care of this for me?
2. OK.. I am removing suse-people from my sources.list. I didn't know it was experimental. Now my list looks like this...
rpm ftp://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt/ SuSE/8.2-i386 base update-prpm update kde xfree86 mozilla extra usr-local-bin funktronics packman packman-i686 kde3-stable security-prpm security
rpm-src ftp://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt/ SuSE/8.2-i386 base update-prpm update kde xfree86 mozilla extra usr-local-bin funktronics packman packman-i686 kde3-stable security-prpm security
Well, I leave out Mozilla because I use the ULB version since other ULB packages are built against it. But they are both 1.4 versions so I guess it doesn't really matter about that. And I leave out extra since the only thing I found of use in that directory is apt pkgs and it's deps. It looks like you have both 'update and update-prpm' in the list still this would be redundant. The update-prpm is the patch rpm directory of update so you can remove the prpm directory. But other then that it looks pretty good. :) Also, if your not wanting the source rpm's of the binary packages you download then I would just comment out rpm-src ..it will just download and fill your drive with src that you may not ever actually use. latah, -- Ben Rosenberg ---===---===---===--- mailto:ben@whack.org ----- If two men agree on everything, you can be sure that only one of them is doing the thinking.