Hi, I'm just trying to be awkward again. It just happened to me, that I mounted one of the `other five' CD-ROMs of the SuSE Linux Snapshot. Actually this happens `far less' than 10 times during the lifetime of a Linux Snapshot collection. (You know what I mean ...) So I thought, I don't really need those `other five' CD-ROMs. I could quite well do with just the 1st of them, the `Basic system'. That's what I'm really keen on, that's what I really see as SuSE's achievement and `extra value', its packaged Linux distribution. It's really *not*, that I want to save money. (That `Basic system' is already worth that price on its own.) It's just, that I have Internet access wherever I need it, so I should I have that stuff on CD-ROM? I actually do quite often something like that: johayek@Hayek5 $ zcat /cdrom/INDEX.gz | fgrep psgml ./CD3/elisp-archive/modes/psgml-0.4b3.tar.gz But that's only because that's the quickest way to get a pointer. If it (or something similar) pointed me to anywhere on the web, that would be alright with me. Just my $0.02 . - To get out of this list, please send email to majordomo@suse.com with this text in its body: unsubscribe suse-linux-e