On Wednesday 26 January 2005 07:57, Fergus Wilde wrote:
PDFs are not an opaque format. Generic, unrestricted PostScript is much harder to deal with, since it's a programming language (based on FORTH, originally) in which new procedures can be defined and the full computational power of a Turing Machine is available. PDF is vastly more restricted and uses a fixed set of rendering and encoding primitives. It is also much more compact, which led to the term "distilling" for the process of converting PostScript to PDF.
Ah, right! Thanks Randall. Never actually been able to afford Acrobat - let's see if the OOo people do include that enhancement
Yes, but going back to my original post in this thread, there's no mention of it in the 2.0 "Guide to New Features" (<http://marketing.openoffice.org/2.0/featureguide.html>) page. It seems like a sufficiently big deal to get mentioned there if it were indeed a part of this upcoming release.
Cheers Fergus
Randall Schulz