On Sun, 14 Nov 2021 17:45:09 -0600 "David C. Rankin" <drankinatty@suddenlinkmail.com> wrote:
On 11/14/21 5:58 AM, Dave Howorth wrote:
Something specific to you, I guess.
I just created https://paste.opensuse.org/32032726 without any problem.
PS I sent a copy directly to you since I believe you have problems receiving list mail.
(thank you)
Don't know if the earlier mail made it. SMTP sent wrong command (I think Suddenlink mail hosts are in full melt-down)
I too was able to past unit-test failures earlier without issue.
But the freshclam -v output can't be pasted (attached). I don't see anything wrong with the content. Try pasting it and I'll bet you are a spammer too :)
Yep :) susepaste is obviously checking content for spam indications and something in your data is triggering it. I can't find any details. There doesn't seem to be any relevant information at http://code.google.com/p/stikked/ and https://www.ohloh.net/p/opensuse-paste is incorrectly configured and won't open. Perhaps soembody here who actually understands how the facility is implemented could advise where the documentation is or otherwise how to upload your content. Otherwise I'd suggest opening a bug report.
(P.S. the reason for the freshclam fail was the old version of clamav, working with the folks at clamav on the unit-test failure for 103.4 on 15. Suspicion is issue with openssl 1.1.0i... more later)