Johnny Ernst Nielsen wrote:
Good day Basil,
Torsdag den 31. juli 2003 17:29 kvad Basil Chupin:
Would someone please remind me which control file, and where it resides, that needs to be massaged to stop the hardware scan on boot. (Which parameter to alter would also be helpful.) The RunLevel editor in the Control Centre refuses to switch off this check.
You only told the RunLevel editor to stop the service this time around, but forgot to to tell it to disable the service from starting on future boots.
No. "Told" it to stop the infernal thing for ever and ever - but it don't pay no attention to me :-(.
I just tried disabling + stopping hwscan on my 8.2 system using YaST2. It works here -- it stays turned off the next time I boot.
Something seem fishy with your setup.
Ah yes, but you should have seen the one that got away! :-).
You are not mistaking hotplug for hwscan?
I don't think so. But anything is possible.
In any case, I expect you to be able to manually stop the service and then remove the startup script (s<number>hwscan) from whatever runlevel you have it set up in. probably 2, 3 and 5
Go and see in /etc/init.d/ and /etc/init.d/rc<number>.d/
If that fails I'm out of ideas.
Best regards :o)
Johnny :o)
I agree that there is something fishy here because no matter what I do in the RunLevel editor it shows that hwscan is Running. However, there are no levels attached to it. I did what Andreas suggested and ran chkconfig -l hwscan and this reported that it was not running (at any of the normal levels). I also looked at the screenprint from ps aux and hwscan does not show up. I now have to shrug my shoulders, resign myself to the fact that this is yet another SuSE thing, and get on with life. Cheers. -- Understanding only begins with the act of perception.