14 Mar
14 Mar
I would think that the gears program at least should work though, since that's part of the mesa package that SuSE distributes. That's not to say that HG2 doesn't have other problems (a glibc issue sounds quite plausable in fact), but I don't want to go pointing fingers at Loki until I at least have gears working. On Tue, Mar 13, 2001 at 06:59:34AM -0800, Matthew Johnson wrote:
HG2 does the same to me too, exact same error meesage. I think your 3D is working fine, but it maybe a compatibility with some Loki games and maybe glibc 2.2. If you check product requirements you will see it mentions glibc 2.1.
E-mail support@lokigames with this issue. I ahve, but yet to recieve any reply.