Am 28.06.2014 03:56, schrieb Carlos E. R.:
But Bruce, Patrick did not say you hijacked the thread, but Rainer Klier. Your reaction was excessive, because indeed there was a thread
yes, i did, but not intentionally. i did nothing more as replying to the question by clicking on the "answer list" button in thunderbird.
which make me suspect there is a Windows mail server involved, perhaps with a broken indexer. Dunno, but he has to investigate it, because it causes havoc.
yes, indeed, there is a Windows mail server involved, and davmail. and at that day both of them, or at least one of them caused some trouble with mails. i don't know what happend, but i suddenly received no new mails, and some mails disappeared. something went wrong that day. and this may have caused this hijacking. i didn't even notice this hijacking until i found my answer in the wrong thread. -- Rainer Klier Research & Development xyzmo Software GmbH, SIGNificant E-Signature Solutions A-4052 Ansfelden, Haiderstraße 23 Tel.: +43 7229 88060-0, E-Mail: rainer.klier@xyzmo.com N�����r��y隊Z)z{.�ﮞ˛���m�)z{.��+�:�{Zr�az�'z��j)h���Ǿ� ޮ�^�ˬz��