On Thu, Mar 04, 2004 at 04:07:08PM -0500, Chris Purcell wrote:
You can still do it on the PuTTY side. Define a session, selecting protocol = SSH, Preferred SSH protocol = 2 only, and anything else you want to be default, give the session a name (say, "ssh2suse") and save it. Then when Putty starts, double-click on ssh2suse to bring up the session, and enter the host name or IP address you want to connect to and click "Open" Jim Cunning
I realize that this is still a client-side solution, but it might expedite the client configuration: http://the.earth.li/~sgtatham/putty/0.54/htmldoc/Chapter4.html#4.21 It is designed to add the configuration to the registry every time you run PuTTY, and then remove it again when PuTTY is closed, but could easily be changed to just install your configuration when you put PuTTY on each client -- Jesse