I have some scripts which use the "mail" program to email a remote email address. The problem I am having is that the upstream mail server we send through isa bouncing these mails back as undeliverable as the senders address is not resolving.
The error is similar to: <root@store.atlantic>... Domain of sender address root@store.atlantic does not exist (in reply to MAIL FROM command)
How do I setup root's senders address to be something like root@myvalidinternetdomain.com ? I assume it is all down to /root/.mailrc, but I am struggling to find the appropriate syntax for doing this.
In the mail command you can add "-r root@myvalidinternetdomain.com" to the parameter list.
In the mailrc it looks like you should be able to do
set from root@myvalidinternetdomain.com
to get the same effect
Or you could open YAST2 and go into the mail settings there and do it...
I forgot all about using Yast2 :) I did it the manual way as per Anders' suggesstion. For the achives tho, the correct syntax was : set from= root@myvalidinternetdomain.com <from=root@myvalidinternetdomain.com> (note the "=") Thanks for the help Richard