Basil Chupin wrote:
John Andersen wrote:
On Wednesday 25 October 2006 07:26, Basil Chupin wrote:
Those who are not having trouble getting mail from this list, would you please check if there is some sort of a problem with SUSE's server? Thanks.
I had this problem over the weekend. It got suddenly fixed on monday and I have no clue what it was. I too found tons in the archives that did not arrive in my mailbox, and I can't blame my ISP since I run my own sendmail.
Interesting. I know that you are in Alaska, I'm in Australia. You had this problem over the weekend and I am having this problem day ago and again yesterday.
Are blocks of IP addresses being closely interrogated for the contents of mail? Anything is possible in this now crazy world.
Hi All, If I read this right, Basil is in Australia and John is in Alaska. I am in North Carolina, US. I've been having the same problems. Maybe the spread of locations will help somebody find what's happening. I saw this thread about 8 hrs. ago on the archives, but this is the first portion of it that has actually reached me at 11:15 P.M., here. I seem to be getting list mail in cycles, nearly normal on Mondays, diminishing on Tue., minimal on Wed. then picking up again toward the weekend or the next Mon. It has been this way since about the 25th of Sept. I've been told someone is working on the problem, but each time it starts to look better, it doesn't last. I know I haven't got all of today's mail, I'm still waiting for the Skype thread to come through (that may have been for the 25th, if so I'll never see it). -- ED --