I didn't want to bring that up, but yeah it's unbelievable! I used RH4.2 and 5.0 before swithcing to SuSE at v.5.1. I couldn't ftp all those updates at 28.8K back then. I've taken a look at the 5.1 errata and it's the same story. By comparison, SuSE's updates are negligible. Mark --- Ken Archer wrote:
Personally, I don't see that big a difference between 5.2 and 5.3. That is why I am waiting for 6.0. But on the subject of broken distributions, has anyone on this list taken a look recently at the erratta directory at ftp.redhat.com? They had 50 updates within two weeks after they released 5.1. SuSE people count your blessings. I don't like working for any distribution. SuSE is the first distribution that works for ME.
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