** Forwarding message from "Ed Harrison" <ed.tman@verizon.net> on Wed, 13 Nov 2002 12:39:45 -0500 ** Reply to message from Simon Heaton <simon.heaton@softwareag.co.uk> on Wed, 13 Nov 2002 16:26:25 +0000 SORRY THIS DID NOT POST -- ATTACHMENT TOO LARGE FOR SuSE. Contact me at ed.tman@verizon.net for either chip hack or sensors.conf adjustments. # I too have this board and have had zero problems (SuSE 8.0). But I have # not been able to get the sensors working. Please could you supply some # additional information on the procedure you used? # # Kind regards, # # Simon I don't think that you really want to know. BUT, if you have the real desire... 1. Get the CVS of i2c-2.6.6 and lm_sensors2 2. Compile and install i2c 3. Hack w83781d.c in LM-SENSORS/lm_sensors2/kernel/chips to initialize the as99127f chip. The original file tries to read and write the chip before it is initialized, and therefore does nothing useful. I am attaching my hack--I don't know if this is the way it is supposed to be done, but oh well. 4. Compile lm_sensors2 5. Modprobe the following, if not already loaded: i2c-viapro i2c-core (this may load automagically, but I am not sure--mine loaded with bttv) i2c-algo-bit (same as above) i2c-dev i2c-proc lm75 (This is the CPU temp chip, but don't load it--it blocks the address where as99127f needs to go.) 6. pcf8591 is present, but do not load--same reason as lm75, except I don't think it provides any user information. 7. modprobe force_as99127f=0,0x2d 8. Do dmesg to see if it loaded (no error messages, just "w83781d.o version 2.6.4 (20020719)" I then spent time adjustiing /etc/sensors.conf, got rid of all chip sections except chip "lm75*", chip "as99127f-*", chip "pcf8591-*". sensors -s will read in your new /etc/sensors.conf sensors gives readout in Celsius sensors -f gives readout in Fahrenheit. I use gkrellm to display the results--but no fan2=case fan. temp 1 is the cpu, temp 2 is the MB and temp3 appears to be the case temp (stays just warmer than ambient). The is temperature compute info on the lm_sensors mailing list Ed Harrison, broadcasting on ----/ / ---/ / (_) __ __ _ _ _ __ --/ /__ / // \/ // /_/ /\ \/ / -/___//_//_/\_//__,_/ /_/\_\ by SuSE(8.1), Kernel 2.4.19, X 4.2 or Windows98 (running in vmware 3.2) PolarBarMailer 1.23 with IBMJDK 1.3.1-2 Ed Harrison, broadcasting on ----/ / ---/ / (_) __ __ _ _ _ __ --/ /__ / // \/ // /_/ /\ \/ / -/___//_//_/\_//__,_/ /_/\_\ by SuSE(8.1), Kernel 2.4.19, X 4.2 or Windows98 (running in vmware 3.2) PolarBarMailer 1.23 with IBMJDK 1.3.1-2