On Monday 01 July 2002 22:44, Chavez Gutierrez, Freddy wrote:
I mount a WinNT share using a samba client version 2.2.1:
Upgrade to above 2.2.2. Big difference. Or better yet 2.2.5. "This is the version that all production Samba servers should be running for all current bug-fixes."
smbmount -t smbfs -o username=user //ntserver/share /logs
Then I want to watch a log generated by Internet Information Server (IIS) that grows continually: tail -f /logs/zzz.txt
I can see the last lines in file zzz.txt the first time, but I don't get the new lines that appear in such file. From any windows station I have no problem seeing the file zzz.txt updated.
I have to say that IIS block the file zzz.txt against write, but permit read that file.
Thanks for your help. Freddy Chavez.
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