I had the same problem with SimCity 3000, then all I did was download a pach via loki_update and the game started to work again. :-) Try installing loki_update and update your game first. Quoting Kevin Donnelly <kevin@dotmon.com>:
Yesterday I came across the first Linux game I ever bought (Loki's CivCTP), and since I hadn't had a look at it for some time, I decided to install it on
8.2. Hmmm. The install foes fine, but once you start loading the game it crashes, with the following error message:
BUG! (Segmentation Fault) Going down hard... CivCTP Linux 1.1 Thu Jun 10 19:51:54 PDT 1999 Built with flags: -O2 -funroll-loops -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti -g -D_REENTRANT -DPACK=__attribute__ ((packed)) -DCIV3_SPECIES=75 -D_BFR_ -malign-double -D_SDL_STATIC_LIB -DSTATICALLY_LINKED Built with glibc-2.1
Presumably this is due to the fact that glibc has moved on to 3.3. But it raises the question now, is there ANY way to play this and other older games
(eg Terminus) other than keeping a partition on the disc with an older version of SuSE on it? Presumably, without the source, you can't recompile,
and I don't fancy approaching Activision et al to ask them to do it. Is there a "retro" switch on 3.3 to tell it to pretend it's 2.1? Probably not.
If this is the case, it means that all Linux commercial games have built-in obsolescence, which is pretty serious ......
Best wishes
Kevin Donnelly
www.kyfieithu.co.uk - Meddalwedd Rydd yn Gymraeg
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