Laurent Renard wrote:
Gordon Keehn wrote:
I was using Red Carpet to maintain my workstation running SuSE Pro 9.1. That box died (motherboard toasted) and I'm getting ready to install 9.2 on a new box, but I can't find any information on an appropriate version of Red Carpet. If I go by what I found via Google, Red Carpet is now only available as part of several commercial (i.e. I have to shell out some more of my hard-earned cash) offerings. Is there a (free) source of Red Carpet for SuSE Pro 9.2? Cheers, Gordon Keehn
You should take a look at But not tested ;)
Thanks, Guys. The install is scheduled for this weekend; I'll pull the .rpms, install, and see what happens. BTW, am I correct in observing what appears to be two releases of some but not all the packages? What gives? Cheers, Gordon