On Sun, 1 Dec 2024 16:38:05 -0500, bent fender <slowroller@trixtar.org> wrote:
Sun, 1 Dec 2024 09:57:58 +0000 (UTC) Robert Webb via openSUSE Users <users@lists.opensuse.org> :
On Sat, 30 Nov 2024 22:28:23 -0500, bent fender <slowroller@trixtar.org> wrote:
Sun, 1 Dec 2024 02:35:59 +0000 (UTC) Robert Webb via openSUSE Users <users@lists.opensuse.org> :
On Fri, 29 Nov 2024 21:09:14 -0500, bent fender <slowroller@trixtar.org> wrote:
Fri, 29 Nov 2024 14:03:17 +0900 Masaru Nomiya <nomiya@lake.dti.ne.jp> :
In the Message; Subject : Re: 3 pairs of xeyes? Message-ID : <20241128204357.f65eb98ee381055b2a459989@trixtar.org> Date & Time: Thu, 28 Nov 2024 20:43:57 -0500 [SF] == bent fender <slowroller@trixtar.org> has written: [...] SF> sddm started booting my Tumbleweed desktop SF> first in low-res mode, then in high-res and THAT's where I think it hit SF> the fan bigtime. [...] It seems to me that ~/.profile which hosts the xeyes calls is being run twice in two different resolutions.
# ps -D '%F %T' -O ppid,pgid,lstart -C xeyes
2528 1 2324 2024-11-30 21:28:00 S tty2 00:00:10 xeyes -geometry 70x50+36+420
2529 1 2324 2024-11-30 21:28:00 S tty2 00:00:10 xeyes -geometry 70x50-36+420
2886 2275 2877 2024-11-30 21:28:06 S ? 00:00:11 xeyes -geometry 70x50+36+420
2887 2275 2877 2024-11-30 21:28:06 S ? 00:00:11 xeyes -geometry 70x50-36+420
It seems to support my suspicion, two calls just as resolution changes. I think the 3 I see are #2 obscuring #1, #3, & #4
Yes. To trace whatever invokes ~/.profile, you could log its executions to the journal by adding this line to .profile:
logger -i ".profile[$$] ppid $PPID($(ps -q $PPID -o args=))"
That records the pid of the shell executing .profile, and the command of the shell's parent. Then, after booting, show the logged lines with:
journalctl -g '^\.profile\[[0-9]+\] ppid '
tons of these with different #'s: -- Boot d1764de000eb49a48ea74e11e5579f76 --
I guess you don't need any messages from before the most recent boot, so the '-b' option would be good. journalctl -b -g '^\.profile\[[0-9]+\] ppid '
and then: Dec 01 16:23:04 localhost.localdomain UserMe[2443]: .profile[2362] ppid 2301(/usr/libexec/gdm/gdm-x-session --register-session --run-script /usr/bin/start>
there is NO /usr/bin/start but if ">" is a wildcard then there is
The ">" shows the line is truncated to the window width. You can use the right arrow key to see the rest of it. So yes, it is a wildcard, for the rest of the line. :-) If you redirect the output to a file, there is no truncation.
startplasma-wayland startplasma-x11 startx startxfce4
the first 2 are binaries the second 2 contain no 'profile'
It is possible to see more about how ~/.profile gets invoked. I tried it myself, and describe it later below, but I don't think it matters. Your .profile created just the one log entry you show above, so it was executed just once, not twice. Yet, the xeyes commands were executed twice. In your initial post, you said that the xeyes commands are in a script which is called by .profile . That script must be getting called twice. If you don't see it in .profile, you could try commenting it out there and see if the xeyes are still created. _Description of my logging in ~/.profile_ In ~/.profile, I added the args for the current process to the log message: # Log the parent and the shell executing this .profile logger -i ".profile[$$] ppid $PPID($(ps -q $PPID -o args=)) ($(ps -q $$ -o args=))" And, somewhat redundantly, saved a 'ps' in tree format of all processes to get the full ancestry for .profile : [ ! -f ~/ps-profile ] || mv -T -- ~/ps-profile ~/ps-profile.old CMD_ENV=linux PS_PERSONALITY=linux \ ps -eH -o pid,pgid,sid,tname,time,args > ~/ps-profile After logging in (KDE), I edited the created ~/ps-profile to remove everything but the process executing .profile, and its ancestors. I wish it was possible to get that directly from 'ps'. Here it is: PID PGID SID TTY TIME COMMAND 1 1 1 ? 00:00:39 /usr/lib/systemd/systemd --switched-root --system --deserialize=48 1551 1526 1526 ? 00:00:00 /usr/bin/sddm 206988 1526 1526 ? 00:00:00 /usr/libexec/sddm/sddm-helper --socket /tmp/sddm-auth-d8ac3bde-04de-40f1-8aff-d5051b5fb1ce --id 3 --start /usr/bin/startplasma-x11 --user bitslam 207098 1526 1526 ? 00:00:00 -bash --login -c exec "${@}" - /usr//etc/X11/xdm/sys.xsession 207149 1526 1526 ? 00:00:00 ps -eH -o pid,pgid,sid,tname,time,args The log message showed the 'sddm-helper' and '-bash' command+args. -- Robert Webb