Hi All Happy New Year and all that. This "problem" started with Google video in Opera 9.02 - i'd enter www.google.com (redirects me to www.google.co.uk) the select "More" the select "Video" which takes me to "http://video.google.co.uk/". I get a list of videos to select and I pick on at random and it gives me a new page with just the titles on it. (see NoVideo1.png) If you turn on the error console for Javascript, its fills rapidly. So i tried Konq and I got the same results so i clicked on the bug symbol and got these errors (see NoVideo2.png) And it also happened in Firefox 2. and IE6 (using IE4Linux- not tried via Windows) And i got the same sorts of results from www.fordvehicles.com (see NoVideo3.png) is it possible that 2 large sites like this can have pages that error on the www or am I going off my trolley? Am i going to have to revisit that bottle of Port? regards Ian