Mr Banana wrote:
I too have a T60p with the V5200 and got the ATI driver installed which works well for X sessions but I get strange corruption when when I switch to a console screen with Ctrl+Alt+Fn. Thherre iss aa ssorrt off oddd dooubblee llettteer efffeectt.
Do you get the same thing? Could you post the Device section from your xorg.conf?
Indeed I do get that! I had to go change the video mode in grub to get it to work correctly. I'm hoping that the next release of the ATI drivers will fix this, although of course they would have to know about it somehow (anyone know if ATI has a bug reporting page?). Unfortunately (?) changing the video mode puts you back into a mode where you get to watch text stream by as the system boots. That is fine with me but may not be with everyone. That is another question I don't know the answer to: What is the criteria that chooses graphical vs text boot? Anyway, to do it you can either edit your /boot/grub/menu.lst file or: Start yast Go to "System" Click on "Boot Loader" Select your "SUSE Linux 10.1" entry and click the "Edit" button. Select a lower-res "VGA Mode" from the pull-down. I use "800x600, 24 bits (mode789)". "Ok" your way out, reboot and all is well. - Bruce -- Check the headers for your unsubscription address For additional commands send e-mail to Also check the archives at Please read the FAQs: