Looks fine (sans wrap) but why to /mnt and not '/windows' (the default)? Because there wasn't a /windows in 10.1 after installing...
dr-xr-xr-x 18 johannes users 16384 2006-08-02 16:49 Eigene Dateien
Looks like the read-only bit is set 'on'. Guesses off the top of my head:
a. some contents in directory left 'open' during last Windows crash? ;-) (next M$ boot invokes a certain blue screen filesystem check utility)
b. some contents in directory not 'closing' correctly during Windows shutdown/reboot (i.e. malware?) ;-) (ditto pending M$ blue screen filesystem check)
b. directory or contents are currently in use by another task? No crash, nothing found with fsck. And it's only this one folder "Eigene Dateien", where I can't write in. The files inside the folder are writeable, but I can't change the Files in.
I don't understand anything now??!! Is it of any interest that the only directory with a space in its name is affected?
Sometimes I reboot all partitions are read only until next reboot?
How do you shut down or reboot? (exact commands description, please) I use the "turn computer of" inside gnome but it didn't happen the last times...