"Fred A. Miller" wrote:
"S.Toms" wrote:
alexm wrote:
Hi, Is there a linux tax program (for USA)?
Not to my knowledge there isn't, but that could change, there is talk that Intuit will be porting Quicken to Linux in the near future, if that happens, and they see a significant amount of usage or what not, they may port their popular Turbo Tax program as well in following months. I know I'm gonna be looking forward to it.
That was a rumor, which Intuit recently DENIED....unfortuantely. I've also been looking for the same application, and haven't found it.
Well that certainly bites, I missed them denying it, what a bummer, now my summer is ruined :/ well, maybe with enough encouragement in the next year, they'll change their minds. -- Ec|ipse on EFnet - tomas@primenet.com - <A HREF="http://www.primenet.com/~tomas"><A HREF="http://www.primenet.com/~tomas</A">http://www.primenet.com/~tomas</A</A>> Ec|ipse@|Watcher| - botnet webpage down until further notice Slackware Linux v3.6+ - Kernels 2.0.35/2.2.1 - To get out of this list, please send email to majordomo@suse.com with this text in its body: unsubscribe suse-linux-e Check out the SuSE-FAQ at <A HREF="http://www.suse.com/Support/Doku/FAQ/"><A HREF="http://www.suse.com/Support/Doku/FAQ/</A">http://www.suse.com/Support/Doku/FAQ/</A</A>> and the archive at <A HREF="http://www.suse.com/Mailinglists/suse-linux-e/index.html"><A HREF="http://www.suse.com/Mailinglists/suse-linux-e/index.html</A">http://www.suse.com/Mailinglists/suse-linux-e/index.html</A</A>>