Juraj Trenkler schrieb:
Dna Št 1. September 2005 17:59 Reinhard Gimbel napisal:
I tried to check all the md5sum of all the deltas but failed to do so with CD5.
Try it and you will get md5 od CD 5 iso which is on the list. I think it is safe.
Well, actually this one way to do it. Finally the CD5 ISO has to work and the MD5 of that ISO (not the delta) is available. That's o.k. so far. But on the other hand the MD5s for the first 4 delta ISOs are available, so why not having the MD5 of all ? One advantage could be to check the integrity of all deltas before applying them to the beta3 ISOs. At this time the first three beta4 ISOs are finished (takes a 3/4 of a hour each to create one ISO on my maschine). So it might all done until someone supplied the missing MD5 of the CD5 delta ... My request is not only for myself but also for the complete community. Maybe other think like I do and would like to get the MD5s of all deltas ... BTW: The MD5 of "my" beta4 CD5 delta ISO is: ff298d2167f6b11c5fc73fec2ab632b8 SUSE-10.0-CD-OSS-i386-Beta3_Beta4-CD5.delta.iso Any other information ? Let's wait and see ... ;-) Best regards, Reinhard.