Hello List.... Situation is as Follows: This works! =========== - On my localnet, If setup NxServer (from suse dvd's) on A SUSE 9.3 Box as follows: 1) Installed packages with yast. 2) nxsetup --install --setup-nomachine-key - From my internal laptop (SUSE 10.0) I can connect to 9.3 box no problems... This don't =========== On a remote server (SUSE 10.0) I've installed nxserver (also from dvd's). I had to add the user to the "remotessh" group to allow access via ssh. I try to connect to remote server via internet: I get a successful nx remote login via ssh, then the NXClient tells me my authentication fails! my guess the problem must be the firewalls, as that is the first difference between the 2 setups. But then again I see no firewall "Deny Msgs"... I assume that NX stuff only needs ssh? The documentation seams to imply that ONLY authentication is done that way, but some of the emails on this list seams to imply that only that is used... Any help appreciated... Jerry