I have some files straight off of a DVD's VIDEO_TS directory, and I want to play the movie. How do I do this? Is there a way to create a playlist of the various tracks and save this list? I am open to new applications if necessary.
-- Cheers, wmeler
You're aware I hope that libdvdcss.so, necessary to play commercial dvds, may be illegal in your country. That said, you can Google it. Generally, you can just install the rpm file. Ogle and vobcopy are the programs you want. Ogle plays, using libdvdread and libdvdcss, commercial dvds you rent at the local video store, with menus and everything, so you can watch as if you had plunked the disc in your dvd player. If you want a copy to your hard drive to view later, use vobcopy. This program copies the whole stripped of protection dvd to a directory, which you can watch later with ogle or copy to another dvd. No wonder the MPAA is afraid of this. Be forewarned though; Each film eats roughly 8.5 gigabytes. If you want to store a 120 movies, be prepared to buy a terabyte of storage and get familiar with LVM in yast. Also, I haven't gotten libdvdcss to work or even compile on my 64 bit system. I have been using a 32 bit spare laptop to rip the files. Presently what keeps you from ripping them to your own dvds is that they are dual, 8.5mb, and blank disks are way too expensive. I have a conspiracy theory to explain why the cost won't come down. It's easy to buy a dvd writer that will support dual writing, but right now I can't find discs for much less than $5 each. -- Proposed Additions to the PDP-11 Instruction Set: BBW Branch Both Ways BEW Branch Either Way BBBF Branch on Bit Bucket Full BH Branch and Hang BMR Branch Multiple Registers BOB Branch On Bug BPO Branch on Power Off BST Backspace and Stretch Tape CDS Condense and Destroy System CLBR Clobber Register CLBRI Clobber Register Immediately CM Circulate Memory CMFRM Come From -- essential for truly structured programming CPPR Crumple Printer Paper and Rip CRN Convert to Roman Numerals