Am 11.12.24 um 22:01 schrieb Dave Howorth:
Hi Simon,
I looked at the link you gave and noticed another similar query in the right-hand margin. That seems to give a solution - I don't know if it will work for you?! (I don't use TBird myself)
Hi david, you are correct, that did the trick: ------------ Do you view incoming messages in 'Original HTML' or 'Plain Text' ? Try selecting Plain text to test a 'Reply' 'Menu icon' > 'View' > 'Message Body as' > 'Plain Text' ------------ i was never thinking that viewing incomming messages will affect the way they will be quoted/copied to the reply-text-editor i have noticed also: not all incomming html messages are affected. only some of them (always from same sender) convert in this way html to plaintext single line to double line. the difference could be seen when viewing the html as original html simple html plain text in original html they will be shown "correct" single line by line blablabla blabla blabla blablabla --------------- in simple html they will be NOT "correct" always empty line between lines blablabla blabla blabla blablabla --------------- and in plaintext they will be shown also "correct" blablabla blabla blabla blablabla ============= but only when viewing plaintext the conversion to "reply-editing-window" as plaintext will be correct. ========== now new question, is there a key combination to switch single messageview from html to plaintext (viewing everithing in plaintext is no a solution) simoN -- HINWEIS: Wenn Sie diese "reintext" Mail mit Outlook oeffnen kann es sein, dass Outlook diese Mail nicht korrekt formatiert anzeigt. Das ist ein Fehler oder eine Misskonfiguration in Outlook. Informieren Sie ihren Systemadministrator. (von "Wenn... bis ... Systemadministrator." sind es 6 Zeilen.) (Zeilenumbruchzeichen ist HEX 0A) ========== B e c h e r e r GmbH Sondermaschinenbau Mauermattenstrasse 22 79183 Waldkirch Germany Tel.: (+49) (0)7681 3134 Fax: (+49) (0)7681 4378 Mail: Web: USt-ID-Nr.: DE 814912198 Registergericht: Freiburg HRB 701860 Geschaeftsfuehrer: Dipl.-Ing. (FH), EWE Simon H. Becherer Gerichtsstand / Sitz: Waldkirch Es gelten ausschliesslich unsere allgemeinen Liefer- und Zahlungsbedingungen / Einkaufsbedingungen: