I've been banging my head against the wall for the last couple of weeks trying to get Solaris 8 clients to play nice with my Suse Linux server (openLDAP v2.1.12
server). I have the openldap server up and running and am able to
configure suse linux 8 systems to use the directory's account info to login.
I'm trying to use 'ldapclient -v default <ip address>' but
kept getting the error "Cannot find the rootDN". I've tried editing the
/var/ldap/ldap_client_file and ldap_client_cred files but no luck.
I guess I have to create/configure LDAP client profiles on an LDAP server to support Solaris. My /var/ldap/ldap_client_file is as follows # Do not edit this file manually; your changes will be lost.Please use ldapclien t (1M) instead. # NS_LDAP_FILE_VERSION= 1.0 NS_LDAP_SERVERS= NS_LDAP_SEARCH_BASEDN= dc=ccin,dc=ccpu,dc=com NS_LDAP_AUTH= NS_LDAP_AUTH_SIMPLE NS_LDAP_TRANSPORT_SEC= NS_LDAP_SEC_NONE NS_LDAP_SEARCH_REF= NS_LDAP_FOLLOWREF NS_LDAP_DOMAIN= ccin.ccpu.com NS_LDAP_EXP= 1093446216 NS_LDAP_SEARCH_DN= passwd:(ou=People,dc=ccin,dc=ccpu,dc=com) NS_LDAP_SEARCH_DN= shadow:(ou=People,dc=ccin,dc=ccpu,dc=com) NS_LDAP_SEARCH_SCOPE= NS_LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE NS_LDAP_SEARCH_TIME= 30 My /var/ldap/ldap_client_cred is as follows # # Do not edit this file manually; your changes will be lost.Please use ldapclien t (1M) instead. # NS_LDAP_BINDDN= cn=cyrus,ou=ldapusers,dc=ccin,dc=ccpu,dc=com NS_LDAP_BINDPASSWD= {NS1}5e10c2554451 PL let me know how to do this?????? Regards Nagesh --------------------------------- Do you Yahoo!? Express yourself with Y! Messenger! Free. Download now.