I am moving web sites over to our new Suse box today, but have a question about virtual interfaces. I am adding the routes by hand using ifconfig, but of course want them to be there if the machine is rebooted. According to my Linux System Administraton handbook I should add this to /etc/rc.config: IPADDR_0="" IPADDR_1="" NETDEV_0="eth0" NETDEV_1="eth0:1" IFCONFIG_0=" broadcast netmask" IFCONFIG_1=" broadcast netmask" FIrst quesion, is this format correct? I have 200 I need to add and want to make sure it's ok before I begin typing them. Secondly, I do not see this information in rc.config in 8.0, I see it in /etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-eth0, should it be there? Thanks for your help. -Scott