Quoting alberto-g <alberto-g@inventati.org>: [snip]
One final note: your findings show that performance really seems to have been forgotten. And the saddest part is some people are blind enough not to recognize it.
Developers often have the latest and fastest machines. It isn't that they ignore performance hits. There aren't any on the machines they use. Volunteer developers (i.e., non-paid) get no brownie points for improving performance. They do get brownie points for features. They get flak for really bad performance. Flak can be ignored, discounted, brushed off, etc. If you want performance, reward it with money, hardware, public praise, etc. Performance tuning is hard, tedious work that mostly yields little reward. (How many brownie points are you going to get for a 2% improvement, even if it took a week or two to find? And performance tuning is a game of diminishing returns, i.e., if the first week of tuning may get you a 10% improvement, the second will probably yield no more than half that.) Jeffrey -- Vote early and often. Apathy only encourages the bums.