On 09/17/2005 05:24 AM, boricua wrote:
2. the old drive i set as slave but is not seen by the system i would like to mount it to retried some data from it
thanks Does the system BIOS see the drive? In my experience, it does not matter what parameters you enter into the BIOS, Linux will query the drive itself to get the correct parameters.
My BIOS (an old Award) has a bug that causes it to lock up whenever it tries to register a drive size larger than 64K MB. I told the BIOS my 80 GB drive was about 30 GB, and Linux happily ignored that information -- the kernel sees and uses the full 80 GB. I do not know if Linux will see the drive even if it is not registered in the BIOS; my suspicion is it will not. However, I do know that Linux will be able to see and use the drive if it is registered in the BIOS.