On Thu, Mar 03, 2005 at 06:46:02PM -0500, Bruce Marshall wrote:
I have a new Canon S1 camera that wants to talk in PTP mode.
I can run digikam as root and the camera gets connected just fine. But I cannot for the life of me get it to run as a user.
I get the wunnerful resmgr 501 and 502 errors.
Your SUSE Linux version is?
What does "/sbin/resmgr list" show as the
On Friday 04 March 2005 04:27 am, Marcus Meissner wrote: ulinux1:/pictures/linpha/albums/bruce # /sbin/resmgr list status code 200 server message follows: no devices available ser after the camera is
Ciao, Marcus
SuSE 9.2 (and up to date as of a couple of weeks ago) linux1:# /sbin/resmgr list status code 200 server message follows: no devices available (and I was hoping you would chime in here.... Thanks) See my earlier note about how digikam/camera will work if going through the autodetect process each time it is connected.