Kevin Donnelly wrote:
On Friday 04 Mar 2005 01:00, Chris Carlen wrote:
I dread ever trying to find anything on the Suse/Novell website. It seems so complicated. I simply want to be able to download packages of current software such as Mozilla 1.7.5 and OpenOffice 1.1.4
By far the easist way to do all this is to install apt4rpm - http://linux01.gwdg.de/apt4rpm
Thanks for the link. I'm not sure I want to invest time in learning how to use another layer of dependency on more developers arranging things for me. What I'd like is a system that isn't so dependent on customizations to packages that if you install the vanilla, the system breaks. Perhaps that means Slackware. Good day! -- _____________________ Christopher R. Carlen crobc@bogus-remove-me.sbcglobal.net SuSE 9.1 Linux 2.6.5