-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Per Jessen wrote:
Andreas Jaeger wrote:
It's easy to patch it in, we can do this in a couple of minutes. But since we're using the same code for the Retail box and for openSUSE, we do not want to change it. The whole issue that you arise above is something we have to think about - currently there's no technical solution for this, Many thanks for your response. So we've hit the crux of the problem - which seems pretty critical. Although openSUSE is an "open" project, what goes and what doesn't is still decided by the commercial needs requirements of Novell/SuSE. In many ways also reasonably understandable, but it does beg the question - how open is OpenSUSE really?
Per.. so much bashing, so much negative energy ;) Note that I'm not working for Novell/SUSE and I just express my opinion as an openSUSE community member, just like you (so this is no PR talk). It was quite clearly stated from the beginning that 10.0 was an intermediate release, with all of the "openness" of [open]SUSE not being effective just _yet_. At least it's the kind of information that was available on this mailing-list, AFAICR. If I got it elsewhere and you didn't, well, now you know ;) AFAIK, the collaboration between SUSE and the community is planned to be thouroughly discussed and turned into reality with the beginning of 10.1 development. You're 100% right in stating that that aspect is "critical", it definately is, but just be a little more patient and actively contribute to the discussion about that when we'll start doing so. As it doesn't make any sense to talk about that extensively without having the opinion of Novell/SUSE employees, packagers and SUSE Linux project managers, it seems more realistic to me to wait until 10.0 final has been released and when they'll supposedly have more time to spend on that. I can imagine the hard work and pressure they're already feeling at the moment.
From www.opensuse.org/How_to_participate : "The easiest way to participate in the development of SUSE Linux is to post a patch as a suggested solution to an existing bug in Bugzilla (https://bugzilla.novell.com). Each package has a maintainer, who will contact you to discuss your proposed solution. " I can't help it - perhaps the paragraph above should be slightly amended then: "Note - patches and proposals are only accepted provided they coincide with SuSEs commercial plans and requirements."
bash bash bash... please come down a little, being so overly fast in your statements without discussing just doesn't prove helpful to anyone.. It isn't different with other distributions that have a similar model, say, Fedora or Debian (and don't tell me Debian is not open). There is *always* a package maintainer, and she's responsible for providing good quality, not letting "anything" in. That's not going to change, at least let's hope not ;) I don't see the package maintaince been given out of hands by the SUSE developers /for packages that make it into the boxed set and SLES/. This is understandable, and one might argue this is not "open enough"... well, on the other hand you've got many people that are paid fulltime for being package maintainers, something you don't necessarely have with other distributions. Honestly, if the SUSE devs and package maintainers will prove to be as flexible, open to ideas and contributions as well as reactive as up to now, I really prefer that situation in order for them to provide the rock solid core distribution SUSE always has been delivering. At least I prefer that to having people working on that during their free time. How and whether packages that are not supported by SUSE ("supported" as in "installation support", not evening mentioning support contracts with SLES, let's just leave that out of the way) will be integrated into - - the ISOs on the internet - - the boxed sets - - centralized, coordinated, additional package repositories (*) is not defined nor discussed at the moment, and I think it's also up to us to make proposals. (*) anyhow, this is more or less actively being discussed at the moment and is also a very "critical" aspect of openSUSE as well as being directly related to your concerns I believe we're going to discuss all of this a lot for 10.1. openSUSE is really work in progress, and we're going to get the gradually. Please correct me if I'm wrong. cheers - -- -o) Pascal Bleser http://linux01.gwdg.de/~pbleser/ /\\ <pascal.bleser@skynet.be> <guru@unixtech.be> _\_v ===> FOSDEM 2006 -- February 2006 in Brussels <=== -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.0 (GNU/Linux) iD8DBQFDIZHlr3NMWliFcXcRAsjsAKCWYyExvjuxyxY8BquTmF6IdrhRRACeM1GD 3NKROv062VsVdAACNvTPlbg= =iZgB -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----