I have a similar story to tell. Some years ago, I acquired a notebook PC at a flea market. It had no batteries. I bought NiCads and wired them up, and then connected the charger. The following morning I found the case melted and the table-top charred. It would seem that the original battery pack had some kind of temperature switch in it. I also could have lost my house and my life. I reported that on one of these fora back then, but it is always good to repeat that information for the newcomers. --doug At 11:00 02/26/2004 -0700, Abacus Infomail wrote:
I did the same thing myself here at home a couple of weeks ago.
I had lost the adapter for my iPaq cradle and tossed on one of the same type of adapters. It seemed to charge fine so I left it plugged in and went off to bed. Realizing, 15 minutes later, that I hadn't plugged in my cell phone I went back downstairs to find that the adapter was actually melting and was impossible to touch due to the heat.
Bottom line here is to NEVER use another adapter that is not specifically rated for, both in VOLTAGE and AMPERAGE, the device I need to power. Had I not forgotten the phone I have no doubt that I would have lost my house and probably my life!! Saving the $$ isn't worth it.
BTW, the voltage selector switch on most of the adapters you are describing do not have a variable, slide type, control but a series of contacts. I suspect that you are actually connected to one, the other or possibly both contacts and therefore not really getting what you think you might be.
Toss a meter onto the adapter and make sure the amperage is correct also.
Hope this helps,
Dave Watkins (Not an electrician, but able to cook a desk fine)
-----Original Message----- From: James Hatridge [<mailto:James.Hatridge@epost.de%5D>mailto:James.Hatridge@epost.de] Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 10:07 AM To: SuSE Subject: [SLE] Hardware question...
Hi all...
I've got a hub and the transformer burned up. So as a replacement I got the type that has multi-value for the volts, ie from 0 to 12v. My hub uses 5v, but the transformer has only 4.5 and 6v. I put the dial about between the two. It works, but is this good? It also works when I set it at 6v, but could this be too much? Any ideas?
JIM -- Jim Hatridge Linux User #88484 ------------------------------------------------------ BayerWulf Linux System # 129656 The Recycled Beowulf Project Looking for throw-away or obsolete computers and parts to recycle into a Linux super computer
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