* John LeMay (jlemay@njmc.com) [030301 15:01]: ->So, following some advice posted here on the list a while back, I did a ->"apt-get update; apt-get upgrade" last night before I went off to bed. ->When I checked out the progress this am, apt-get complained that is was ->"leaving back" all of the installed kde 3.0.x packages, and rpm had ->failed on trying to install the kde 3.1 packages that apt-get had ->downloaded. -> ->Am I missing something? Why were the 3.0.x packages "left back"? I ->assume this syntax (while grammatically incorrect) is trying to say that ->it is not going to upgrade the kde packages. If so, then when is apt ->grabbing those packages and causing rpm to fail trying to install them? ->Finally, why is rpm failing to upgrade those packages (autorun with -Uvh ->options) indicating package conflicts between the kde 3.1 and kde 3.0.x ->packages? Well, this is mainly because the 3.1 package have changes to them that just borks apt a bit. There are programs that have been packaged into different packages then they were in when 3.0.x was current. My solution was to install just a couple of the KDE 3.0.x package and then do the upgrade. It's mainly things like pixieplus-kde and a few others. Why all the packaging was changed is beyond me but I'm sure there was a reason. You can give this a shot. I've had to selective package uninstalls to get this to behave but it wasn't that much trouble. I guess it's because 3.0.x and 3.1.x are different in package scheme. -- Ben Rosenberg ---===---===---===--- mailto:ben@whack.org Tell me what you believe.. I'll tell you what you should see.