Success!! On Monday 31 Jan 2005 14:15, Joe Morris (NTM) wrote:
Keith Powell wrote:
Thanks for the information, Fergus, that there is no general fonts problem with 9.2.
It really must be a problem just with this set-up, but I have no idea what it can be.
I could be wrong, but I think it usually has to do with the monitor settings. Try adding the actual screen size (x & y settings) and checking the refresh rate to make sure which freq the monitor is using, as well as the dpi settings.
Thanks, Joe. I did not think that the x & y settings, which were both at zero, needed altering. They have now been properly set and the fonts look great! The monitor freq and dpi settings were correct, and had been experimented with at great length over the course of many, many hours. A dis-satisfied 9.2 customer, is now a very satisfied one :) Cheers Keith