Hello, In the Message; Subject : Re: xscreensaver and sonar Message-ID : <bf32f088-7a77-4854-2775-8cf7672b1dac@marcchamberlin.com> Date & Time: Thu, 22 Dec 2022 09:32:19 -0800 [MC] == Marc Chamberlin <marc@marcchamberlin.com> has written: MN>> Have you checked the Xscreensaver: Sonar Settings? MN>> MN>> Start Xscreensaver-demo --> Settings --> Sonar Settings MC> I have, it is set to ping our local subnet. In my case, I can see all ip addresses within my home LAN with this setting. MC> > [...] MN> > Depends on the repository settings, but in my case there are more than MN> > 100 updates every day. (^^;; MN> > MN> > This means that the company can't use it、doesn't it? MC> Yikes! 100 updates a day? I would think that is the definition of MC> Ma sys-admins nightmare! LOL As a retiree, I don't have that night and it's Sunday, everyday. v(^o^) MC> Not sure if you were asking a rhetorical question about our company - MC> Tumbleweed? No. Xscreensaver/Sonar? Don't care. I think that a stance like yours and Carlos's is the right way to deal with Linux. I am not sure if it is natural to deal with major updates of packages, but I am not sure if I am too diligent in dealing with minor updates. Aside from that, I use a package that is no longer maintained by openSUSE (and is not supported by any other distro), and I have a repository set up to update packages related to that software. Regards. --- ┏━━┓彡 野宮 賢 mail-to: nomiya @ galaxy.dti.ne.jp ┃\/彡 ┗━━┛ "The question of who holds the platform and whether the person or organisation holding it is trustworthy has serious and profound implications in these volatile times. Once trust is broken, it is extremely difficult to restore. It is necessary to diversify in advance." -- Financial Times --