I'm kind of frustrated. I often need to install something and don't have the DVD (10.0) handy. I have added pretty much every installation source I can find, yet the DVD is still being asked for. How can I get rid of SUSE asking for it?
Here are my sources:
1. Guru 2. Packman 3. SUSE: /i386/10.0/SUSE-Linux10.0-GM-Extra 4. SUSE: i386/current/inst-source-extra 5. dvd dev/hdc 6. /home/kai/downloads
Hello, None of these above contain the base OS and most of the official suse packages. Suse hasn't released an ftp version of 10.0 yet (and it seem he won't). However you can add the opensuse package source instead. Here you can find links: http://www.opensuse.org/Package_Repositories You should also add the java-install sources. Here is an example: http://suse.inode.at/opensuse/distribution/SL-10.0-OSS/inst- source/ http://suse.inode.at/opensuse/distribution/SL-10.0-OSS/inst- source-java/ Cheers, IG ________________________________________________________________ Sub Bass Monster: új album 4 év után! Töltsd le, kizárólag a T-Online zeneáruházból! http://zenearuhaz.t-online.hu