On Friday 29 July 2005 12:20, Arun Khan wrote: <...>
a) "Reply To" header - each SuSE list must use the "Reply To" header in the messages sent to members e.g. for this list, it should be "Reply To: suse-linux-e@suse.com"
Yahoo mail is buggy, ask them to fix it. KMail respects: "list-post: <mailto:suse-linux-e@suse.com>"
All other lists that I am a member of use this feature.
I'm sorry to hear that you belong to some badly managed lists.
When members reply, they do not have to worry about editing the "To" header or right clicking in their message body or whatever. With this header the response _simply_ goes to the relevant SuSE list.
No worries here, I happy with the status quo.
I don't understand why SuSE list manager is not configured to do so.
Because it's a stupid idea, why break the list manager here, because you have a crappy service there.
b) Digest mode - provide a digest option when member subscribes to any of SuSE's list. Again, all other lists that I am a member of provide this feature. Personally, I prefer the digest since the messages downloaded are fewer. I am sure the mailer program for SuSE lists has the digest feature.
This is again a problem with Yahoo, not the list. Disadvantages of digest mode: - You keep on finding idiots on different list that post to the list with out changing the subject header. - digest mode breaks threads, kin of the above problem. - You get to keep all the spam. - No proper threading in the digest. Advantages of digest mode: - If you find it on the internet, you can use procmail to split it apart. :-) As you can see above, the disadvantages outway the advantages. Here in KMail, it makes a pleasant difference when I download separate list posts over 1 big digest email. My mail get separated into: - Business, personal and list post. - Spam and ham. - List post get divided into sub-categorise. - etc.
c) Google search bar for each of SuSE list archives. At http://lists.suse.com/archive/ I did not see any search capability.
Try gg:"search term" site:http://lists.suse.com/archive/ in konq.
Perhaps they will listen if enough people voice their opinion.
I certainly hope so, so far the vote is against you. BTW, it about time you start experiment with a *real* email client. Webmail just plain sucks. :-( -- Robert "roach" Spencer Pietermaritzburg South Africa