I'll bite, how do you configure postfix to block exe's I have made a = block file and added it to main.cf but it doesn't seem to 100% effective, it = does block some exe's though.
Ok so perhaps it was my own filter also filtering outgoing mail... Try this: In main.cf add the following line: body_checks = regexp:/etc/postfix/anti_virus,pcre:/etc/postfix/pcre_anti_virus You will need to create the two files.. I've appended them below: ANTI-VIRUS FILE ======================================================================== # Virus /(filename|name)="(Happy99|Navidad|prettypark)\.exe"/ REJECT /(filename|name)="(pretty park|zipped_files|flcss)\.exe"/ REJECT /(filename|name)="(Msinit|wininit|msi216|CFGWIZ31)\.exe"/ REJECT /(filename|name)="(Avp_updates|Qi_test|Anti_cih)\.exe"/ REJECT /(filename|name)="(Emanuel|kmbfejkm|NakedWife|Readme|readme)\.exe"/ REJECT /(filename|name)="(Seicho_no_ie|JAMGCJJA|Sulfnbk|QuickLnk)\.exe"/ REJECT /(filename|name)="(Readme|readme)\.eml"/ REJECT /(kak|day)\.(reg|hta)/ REJECT /Rem I am sorry/ REJECT /Te mando este archivo para que me des tu punto de vista/ REJECT /I send you this file in order to have your advice/ REJECT /Espero me puedas ayudar con el archivo que te mando/ REJECT /Espero te guste este archivo que te mando/ REJECT /Este es el archivo con la información que me pediste/ REJECT /I hope you can help me with this file that I send/ REJECT /I hope you like the file that I send you/ REJECT /This is the file with the information that you ask for/ REJECT # ficheros extraños /(filename|name)=".*\.(asd|chm|dll|hlp|hta|js|ocx|pif|lnk)"/ REJECT /(filename|name)=".*\.(scr|shb|shs|vb|vbe|vbs|wsf|wsh)"/ REJECT ============================================================================ PCRE_ANTI_VIRUS FILE ============================================================================== /^begin\s+\d{3}\s+.+?\.(exe|lnk|bat|chm|cmd|com|hta|jse?|pif|scr|shb|vb[esx]|ws[fh])\b/ REJECT /^Content-(Disposition|Type):\s+.+?(file)?name="?.+?\.(exe|bat|chm|cmd|com|hta|jse?|pif|scr|shb|vb[esx]|ws[fh])\b/ REJECT /^\s+(file)?name="?.+?\.(exe|bat|chm|cmd|com|hta|jse?|pif|scr|shb|vb[esx]|ws[fh])\b/ REJECT ================================================================================