I've been reading over a lot of old posts from the list on this, but I can't find a definitive answer. I see that a lot of people call `sa-learn' on a nightly basis to train spamassassin based on a common couple of missed-spam and not-spam mbox's. However, I can't tell who should run this. In my setup, I bypass spam checking in amavis, and let procmail feed spamd directly. In SuSE's default config, spamd runs as root, so my first guess is that root should run sa-learn. Would this be different if amavis were doing the spam checking? In that case, would it be appropriate to call sa-learn from the vscan account? I guess as I write this, the answers seem clear, but I want to make sure about this. I'm still having trouble grasping how mail flows through postfix, amavis, spamassassin, and wu-imap. (I've read through some things that tie several other things into this list. It boggles my mind to think about stacking, say, razor on top of it, switching to cyrus imap, and running with maildir's. One step at a time, I suppose.) Any other suggestions on how to get the most out of SuSE's default configs with the least about of frobbage would be greatly appreciated. TIA, dk