On Tue, 2006-04-04 at 16:30 -0500, Ryan McCain wrote:
I need to rotate the normal logs in var as well as logs in /var/log/syslogs/ , however, logrotate doesnt seem to be working on the /var/log/syslogs directory. I'm assuming its a syntax error of some kind
It is a huge number of 1.1.1 endings you have there. Is that really correct? Where is the archive/ directory? You're moving things to a relative path, are you really sure about the current working directory of the script?
/var/log/syslogs/* { daily create rotate 2 compress compresscmd /usr/bin/gzip postrotate killall -1 syslog-ng mv *.gz archive/ endscript
as you can see the logs arent being rotated or compressed in this directory.
How can we tell? You're moving the .gz files immediately after rotating to a directory somewhere, and you're telling logrotate to recreate the log file after rotating. As far as I can see, your output of ls is totally normal