On Sat, Oct 01, 2005 at 11:02:16AM -0500, Patrick Shanahan wrote:
BUT, you said that /media/data is /dev/hdf3 and grub gives you (hd3,2). This is incorrect as I understand. 'f' is the sixth letter which would translate to the digit 5, the sixth digit counting zero. I believe it should read (hd5,2).
It is hd3,2. It boots with hd3,2 and even grub gives me 3,2 (See my other post.) This is how my IDE devices are: hda 10GB HD hd0 hdb 40GB HD hd1 hdc DVD --- Not a HD hdd DVD R/W --- Not a HD hde 160GB HD hd2 hdf 160GB HD hd3 hdg CD R/W --- Not a HD hdh empty The problem does no lie in how I can determine my root, because I know my hardware. The problem is explaining it on a page or putting it in a script, so others will know what theirs is and that in an easy way so they do not make the same mistakes as you did. ;-) houghi -- Quote correct (NL) http://www.briachons.org/art/quote/ Zitiere richtig (DE) http://www.afaik.de/usenet/faq/zitieren Quote correctly (EN) http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote.html