Hi, I tried opensuse 12.1 on HP 8200elite (i5 CPU, 4GB ram), I had problem with crashing X'es or freezing computer on opensuse 11.4. The problem persist on opensuse 12.1. There are 3 coputers, the same configuration except i3 CPU on one of them. Firmware didn't solved problem, memtest is OK. We tried integrated graphic card and add-on Nvidia in PCIexpress. Installation of opensuse 12.1 is fresh, one day old, system is fully actualized. I'm out of an ideas. Any tips ? X logs are attached... Thanks and best regards -- Bc. Josef Karliak Správa sítě a elektronické pošty Fakultní nemocnice Hradec Králové Odbor výpočetních systémů Sokolská 581, 500 05 Hradec Králové Tel.: +420 495 833 931, Mob.: +420 724 235 654 e-mail: josef.karliak@fnhk.cz, http://www.fnhk.cz