Theo v. Werkhoven wrote:
In the 10 years I've been workong with Linux i've never come across a distro that wants an empty file named /etc/resolve.conf. /etc/resolv.conf otoh (notice the absence of the 2nd 'e') is mandatory of you want to use nameserver(s).
They are always empty from a fresh install.
It is useless to leave it empty though, read up on 'man 5 resolver' if you want to know what is expected in that file. How this would have anything to do with a non-responsive modem is beyond me btw., but maybe your xtal ball has more powerful magic than mine (you did get an official licence for that did you?)
I have seen this as well. ppp moves resolv.conf to /etc/ppp/resolv.conf.ppp (or something like that), and creates a new resolv.conf with the info from the connection. If something happens to resolv.conf, ppp gets stuck not being able to move the original file and doesn't create the new resolv.conf. It could be the pppd crashed while moving the file and deleted it without replacing it, which could cause the problem. Creating an empty file via touch gives it a file to move, and it works again. As you said, without it, even though the modem connects, no traffic moves, so the modem appears non-responsive. HTH -- Joe Morris New Tribes Mission Email Address: Registered Linux user 231871