On 31/05/06 06:13, T. Ribbrock wrote:
On Wed, May 31, 2006 at 02:50:50AM -0600, Darryl Gregorash wrote:
My take is different: "...the patient *almost* died, but it was the only way to survive at all". In these days of suing the pants off anyone who even resembles coming close to some odd patent that is hiding somewhere, I think the only way to make Linux' survival safe is to avoid all that non-open crap.
Does this mean you won't be burning any DVDs on that Linux system of yours?
Given that I have no DVD burner, that's an easy one... Are you telling me that *all* DVD burners need binary-only proprietary stuff (aka "blob") to work? A quick google doesn't seem to corroborate that (even Debian seems to support burning DVDs), but maybe you know something I don't? No, we can restrict the discussion just to pseudo-open source stuff like libdvdcss which, last time I checked, is not available from any site in the USA because it's illegal there -- and it's probably illegal in more jurisdictions than just the USA.