#1 - This isn't the first time YOU has broken something recently. I had it break a kernel on my once recently because the mirror was bad. Ridiculous.
#2 - Firefox is a pretty basic piece of software. I don't see why they shouldn't test it before releasing it. I've been using Linux solely as a home OS for over 4 years and have rarely if ever had a problem with the web browser. Not on SuSE, at least.
You know, You've been ranting about this issue for over a 1000 e-mails. Send an e-mail to the SUSE developers and an bug track report. All software on a PC will more then likely face a breaking at some point. The more software you have installed, the higher the chance you take??? New,Old,Bleeding edge. It doesn't matter because there is always that one piece of code that clips it from another program that causes a breaking. Case and point! Ever run Windows???? It's real common on that platform to have everything break. No O.S. is 1000% stable. It's always a good idea to back up data and have some E-Plan to fix it. JD