Sunny wrote:
I have the same problem with 9.2 and mp3 player. On 9.1 it mounts and pops up konqueror. But on 9.2 I see a similar output - the device is recognized, it have been assigned to /dev/sda1, but after that it never go to the true mount routine. No entry in fstab is added, no directory in /media is created, and ... no konqeror. I had to add a manual entry in fstab, and to mount it manually in order to use it. Not a good solution, as this machine is used by newly "converted" friend family, and I tried to prepare the system to work as much as possible only using a mouse :)
AH! Glad to see I'm not the only one. My situation is very similar to what you describe, except that my family member was "forcibly converted" :-) and mostly satisfied with it, except for the usbstick snag. FX