* Per Jessen <per@jessen.ch> [02-20-23 12:45]:
Patrick Shanahan wrote:
* Carlos E. R. <robin.listas@telefonica.net> [02-20-23 04:54]:
Well, often when TW breaks because the developers have done some change that users don't know about, the only place to possibly ask is the factory list, as devs and packagers are the only people that may know what is going on. Users ask in the users or support list, and nobody knows for days, because devs don't read there.
please cite examples of "when TW breaks"
One of my TW systems broke only just three weeks ago. After a 'dup', the initrd was not re-built correctly, the system did not boot up. No need to solicit support, although I screwed up when trying to boot a rescue system - I picked 64bit instead of 32bit :-)
your continuing ranting about TW being unstable is FUD!
Maybe not quite - TW _does_ break, there are simply way too many things that are not being tested in openQA. Not a criticism, just a fact.
what system doesn not break on occasion, just a fact. Labeling TW as a breaking or expect to break system is FUD.
and factory is not the *only* place to seek help with TW difficulties, it is *not* the place.
True, most of the time it is the wrong place for a user-only to seek support. The thing with TW is - it is for users who have a penchant for tinkering and who don't mind spending the time.
humm, isn't that the description of linux?
In my limited opinion of course. I keep TW on two uncritical systems, if they happen not to work for a week or two, it doesn't matter.
somewhat out-of-the-ordinary systems that you had "break", 32bit. yes, TW can and will break but that describes *any* computer system. -- (paka)Patrick Shanahan Plainfield, Indiana, USA @ptilopteri http://en.opensuse.org openSUSE Community Member facebook/ptilopteri Photos: http://wahoo.no-ip.org/piwigo paka @ IRCnet oftc