Oh god, these Toshiba 10 GB drives really suck! Remember my long thread in April this year? I sent in the old drive and got the same back. GUESS WHAT HAPPENED???? I got the same type as new drive back. AND TODAY IT DIED AS WELL!!!! I cannot reboot (Linux says unrecoverable error) and hangs, I cannot even mount my windoze partition when I boot from CD. So what can I do now? I need my data on FAT32 partiotion back. (I have been SUCCESFULLY evacuating my Linux partitions the last couple of hours) ANY IDEAS WELCOME AND APPRECIATED! And: Has anyone reading this encountered problems with Toshiba Notebook harddrives as well? Best regards, writing this online at a friends place, off now I leave to try out more things... Olli -- +++ GMX - Mail, Messaging & more http://www.gmx.net +++ NEU: Mit GMX ins Internet. Rund um die Uhr für 1 ct/ Min. surfen!